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CLICK HERE FOR OUR ONLINE SHOP FOR NEW SAFES. Electronic Safe Locks Retrofitted to any Safe. Click here for a solution. Simple electronic locks to time delay - audit trail - overnight locking etc, locks replaced or fitted as additional locks, we will have a solution to your problem.
Modern Electronic Locking Solutions For Your Existing Safe. Lost combinations -- Time lock settings no longer required ? Don't replace the lock allow us to reset your lock to default codes.
FULL PRODUCT DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO LAGARD LOCKS. Click a link below for full details Basic Series Combogard Pro series AuditGard Series Smart Series Entry Level Electronic Combination Lock Programmable Electronic Combination Lock Electronic Combination Lock Programmable Multi-User Safe Locks
We can convert your mechanical combination / Key lock to an electronic keypad lock without affecting your over night cash rating on the safe. If you prefer we will add an electronic lock to work along side your existing Combination / key lock. IP Locks -- Biometric Locks -- Time Delay Locks -- Audit Trail Locks -- Basic Locks.
Whatever you require we have a solution that will suit your exact needs. Advantages of Electronic locks
This is just a small list of the advantages of upgrading your lock to electronic.
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We recommend fitting locks made by Lagard and Sargeant & Greenleaf.
Need further information regarding electronic locks or lock upgrades please call us on the number below. The 3 main locking types are listed below. Spring-bolt Deadbolt Swing-bolt 3 Locking Versions
SPRING BOLT The spring bolt lock is designed to be fitted onto cabinets and locks automatically every time the door is closed, this lock is ideal for MOT safes drug cabinets etc. DEAD BOLT The deadbolt lock is ideal for cash safes etc but must be locked manually by turning the keypad each time the safe is locked (Ideal if the safe is left open at times). SWING BOLT The swing-bolt style is also ideal for cash safes and automatically locks each time the safe bolts are moved to the locked position. There are numerous keypad styles available dependant upon what functions you require the lock to perform such as E-key or software audit trails etc. THE LAGARD BASIC
The LG Basic is an 'entry level' electronic safe and
The Lagard Combogard
The LP Audit Trail Lock
The LP Audit is a full featured lock with multiple
users and audit trail. LG Master
• Bolt monitoring that can be formed into a circuit to monitor the door, giving a real time audit of when the door has been physically closed. Also can be connected to an alarm panel for external monitoring.
Quick guide to Lagard lock functions
IP Series locks for larger organizations If you have multiple safes in different store locations we can upgrade your locks to IP locks, this allows you to control any settings on any safe including the changing of combinations and time locks etc from your pc without physically visiting each store and manually setting each lock. IP safe lock technology delivers centralised control over an entire network of safes equipped with electronic safe locks. The system ensures the integrity of the existing safe security program by connecting and operating within the user’s existing LAN/WAN network, while offering data encryption for added protection. Authorized personnel can now remotely program locks and manage user populations such as entering and deleting users and changing user codes. In addition, users can pull audit trails and generate exception reports. The new IP Series system is a highly flexible, technology-enabled solution offering four expandable control options designed to deliver precisely the level of security organizations and security policies demand. Authorised users at multiple levels of assigned access can now control all required functions quickly and conveniently. “Any cash-driven organization with a secure network and safes in disperse locations is a great candidate for the IP Series safe lock management system,” |
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Electronic Safe Locks Retrofitted to any Safe. Click here for a solution. Simple electronic locks to time delay - audit trail - overnight locking etc, locks replaced or fitted as additional locks, we will have a solution to your problem.